

  • 什么是麦克奈尔学者计划?

    We’re a federally funded TRIO program whose goal is to prepare students for Ph.D. 项目. If you are eligible for the program, you will spend your junior 和 senior year gaining skills 和 experiences highly desired by graduate 项目.

    了解更多有关 国家麦克奈尔学者计划.

  • Who is eligible to become a 麦克奈尔 Scholar?

    To be considered for the UNC 麦克奈尔学者计划, you must

    • Be entering your junior or senior year (with minimum 60 credit hours 和 one full academic year remaining at UNC at the time you start the program)
    • 3分.0或更高G.P.A.
    • 做一个U.S. 公民或永久居民
    • Qualify as a first generation college student 和 收入的资格 
      - or - be a member of a population underrepresented in graduate 项目:
        • American Indian, Black/African American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian/Pacific 岛民
        • Women in certain STEM (science, technology, engineering, & 数学)领域
    • Be committed to completing a doctoral degree
  • What are the benefits of becoming a 麦克奈尔 Scholar?

    As a 麦克奈尔 Scholar, you will gain valuable skills, experiences, 和 relationships that make you an attractive c和idate for graduate 项目 和 future careers. 麦克奈尔 学者 are in high dem和 at graduate 项目 nationwide. 170多所大学 以及美国各地的大学.S. offer substantial incentives to 麦克奈尔 学者 such as

    • Fee waivers for graduate program admission applications
    • 研究生 assistantships 和 scholarships
    • 研究生 fellowships ranging from $3,000 - $21,000

    Additionally, we offer the following benefits to our scholars

    • 教师指导的研究经验
    • 2800美元的研究津贴
    • 暑期活动室 & 董事会津贴
    • Annual 麦克奈尔 研究 Competition - looks good on your curriculum vita, 和 offers the chance to win a $1000, $800, or $400 scholarship!
    • Additional financial assistance available for completion 和 presentation of your research 和 the graduate admissions process (e.g.(访问潜在的研究生项目)
    • Additional scholarly 和 developmental activities 和 resources (see below)
  • What "valuable experiences" will I participate in as a 麦克奈尔 Scholar?

    As a 麦克奈尔 Scholar at UNC, you are expected to participate in the following activities

    • Coursework: Faculty-导师ed research 和 graduate school application submission
        • 2-semester research seminar centered around developing, conducting, 和 disseminating your independent research project under the guidance of a faculty 导师 (2 credits fall 学期,2学分(春季学期) 
        • 6-week summer intensive program, centered around preparing for the graduate program 申请流程(无学时)
        • 1-semester senior seminar centered around preparing 和 submitting graduate program applications (fall semester only, 1 credit) 
    • 学术和发展活动
        • Networking with fellow scholars 和 professionals
        • Presentations of your research at UNC 研究 Day, the 麦克奈尔 summer colloquium, 和 a national undergraduate research conference
        • Preparation of a research manuscript ready to submit for publication
        • Opportunity to submit for publication in URSIDAE: The Undergraduate 研究 Journal at UNC
        • Individual Success Plans each semester (one-on-one meetings to discuss your needs, potential barriers to success, 和 strategies to achieve your goals
        • Writing conferences, research consulting, 和 similar activities as needed
        • Additional workshops 和 events designed to help you develop academically, personally, 和 professionally, as well as celebrate your accomplishments!
    • Annual Survey: This aspect benefits us more than it benefits you directly, but if selected as a 麦克奈尔 Scholar, we will check in with you annually for ten years following completion of your bachelor's degree regarding your progress 和 success in order to complete our annual report to the Department of Education.
  • Do I need a faculty 导师 before I apply?

    No. If you have already begun research with a faculty 导师, you are welcome to continue 和那个人一起工作. However, most of our scholars have yet to identify a faculty 导师. Therefore, we guide you through the process of identifying 和 selecting a 导师或导师.

  • Do I need to know what I am researching before I apply?

    No. If you have already begun research with a faculty 导师, you are welcome to continue 致力于那个项目. However, most of our scholars have yet to select a research 主题. Therefore, we guide you through the process of identifying potential research 主题s, presenting them to your faculty 导师, 和 settling on a specific research 问题.

  • What kinds of research do 麦克奈尔 学者 do?

    Curious what kind of research our scholars are doing? 看到 当前参与者页面 for more information about current 麦克奈尔 学者, their research projects, 和 他们各自的教师导师.

  • Can I participate in both 麦克奈尔 和 the Upper Division Honors Program?

    是的. It is possible to participate in both 麦克奈尔 和 the Upper Division Honors Program. You can often substitute the 麦克奈尔 研究 Seminars for some of the required Honors coursework, 和 it is possible to select complimentary research projects. 

  • 我如何申请?

    应用程序s are accepted each spring semester. 参观 入学申请页面 or swing by the 麦克奈尔 学者 office in Michener L75 for more information.