
Geographic Inquiry into Global 问题 (吉吉)

第一版:1995年,A. 大卫·希尔,詹姆斯·M. 邓恩和菲尔克莱因 

Copyright: 1992 The Regents of the University of Colorado

Geographic Inquiry into Global 问题 was developed at the Center for Geography Education at the University of Colorado, 博尔德. The National Science Foundation provided the funds, with A. 大卫·希尔 项目总监. The modules were drafted by teachers and scholars and then tested in classrooms throughout the United States. In the original publication, teachers received a classroom set of Student Data Books and one binder that contained the Teacher's Guide and supporting materials. Professor Hill recently secured permission to distribute 该模块s free of charge to anyone who can use them for educational purposes. 工作人员 members at the University of Northern Colorado scanned every module and map and created PDF files that were later compressed to reduce the file size. 特别感谢 Amanda Livingston who worked tirelessly to scan thousands of pages, Elizabeth Buller, and Kristen Kanoff for helping to make this possible.

NSF承认: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under 格兰特没有. 应急服务国际公司9050204. The Government has certain rights in this material. 任何意见, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

用户须知: These modules were written in the early 1990s. In most cases, the data are no longer 当前的. In some cases, the questions are no longer relevant. 模块,为 most part, still have relevance by asking perennial questions, and clearly demonstrate a geographer's approach to inquiry. You may increase the utility of the materials by having students find new data for the lessons. Finding data now is much easier 比上世纪90年代还多.

使用许可: You may use these modules for educational purposes free of charge. 你不得转载 不管出于什么原因. You may not use them for commercial gain.

文件大小: 每一个 file is a PDF that includes the Student Data Book, the Teacher's Guide, all activity masters, overheads, and answer keys. The original documents were scanned and compressed, but the files are still in the 15mb-20mb range. 高速下载 times are roughly 5-10 minutes per module, but slower connection speeds may require 更多的时间.

缺少的组件: The modules were originally accompanied by a CD ROM and a User's Manual, and optionally, 一套录像光盘. None of these elements are available.



Geographic Inquiry into Global 问题 Modules


地理调查综述 (This document is also found in each file.)

Modules: There are 20 modules with primary case studies in 10 world regions. 每一个 document contains all student and teacher materials needed to teach the lessons in 该模块. The organization of 该模块s is as follows:



Primary Case Study Location (comparison case study locations) 地图设置 (these special 地图在课程中使用)


人口与资源: How does population growth affect resource availability?

孟加拉国(海地) 地图设置

宗教冲突: Where do religious differences contribute to conflict?

克什米尔(北爱尔兰) 地图设置


可持续农业: How can the world achieve sustainable agriculture?

Malaysia (Cameroon, and Western United States) 地图设置

人权: How is freedom of movement a basic human right?

Cambodia (Cuba and the United States) 地图设置


全球经济: How does trade shape the global economy?

日本 (Colombia and the United States) 地图设置

自然灾害: Why the effects of natural hazards vary from place to place?

日本 (Bangladesh and the United States) 地图设置


多样性与民族主义: How do nations cope with cultural diversity?

俄罗斯 (Brazil and the United States) 地图设置

环境污染: What are the effects of severe environmental pollution?

Aral Sea (Madagascar and the United States) 地图设置


人口增长: How is population growth to be managed?

中国(美国) 地图设置

政治变革: How does political change affect peoples and places?

Hong Kong (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada) 地图设置


全球气候变化: What could happen if global warming occurs?

Australia and New Zealand (Developing Countries, U.S. 墨西哥湾沿岸) 地图设置

相互依存: What are the causes and effects of global interdependence?

Australia (Falkland Islands, United States) 地图设置


石油与社会: How have oil riches changed nations?

Saudi Arabia (Venezuela, Alaska) 地图设置


苏丹(印度、加拿大) 地图设置



尼日利亚(南非、加拿大) 地图设置

婴儿和儿童死亡率: Why do so many children suffer from poor health?

Central Africa (United States) (No 地图设置)


城市增长: What are the causes and effects of rapid urbanization and urban growth?

墨西哥(美国) 地图设置

发展: How does development affect peoples and places?

亚马逊河流域(东欧,美国.S. 田纳西流域) 地图设置


区域一体化: What are the advantages of and barriers to regional integration?

欧洲 (United States, Mexico, Canada) 地图设置

废物管理: Why is waste management both a local and global concern?

Western 欧洲 (日本, United States) 地图设置