

记住,档案 & 特藏部的工作人员会为您提供帮助! 我们将 work closely with 你 to help 你 find what 你 need. 充分利用你的 这里有一些有用的建议.

  • 参观前要知道什么
    •  你需要填写一份摘要 赞助人注册和研究请求表格 (提前或到达时). 你可以把表格带来,也可以把它提交给 图书馆.archives@hzjly.net.
    • 研究是不收费的.
    • 你不需要有博天堂官方的隶属关系.
    • Prepare ahead of time – search our 集合 online before 你 visit, so 你 have 当你到达时,你想看什么. 看到 使用在线资源.
    • Consider contacting us in advance – let us know what 你 are interested in researching 我们可以帮你找到相关资源.
      • This will also allow us to pull 你r requested materials ahead of 你r visit, saving 你的时间.
      • 您可以发电子邮件,打电话,或通过提交您的请求 获得研究帮助.
    • Allow enough time to finish 你r research during 你r visit.
      • Archival collection materials are non-circulating and may not be removed from the 未经授权的研究领域.
      •  We do not pull materials in the last 30 minutes of the business 一天.
      • If 你 cannot come during normal business hours, consider scheduling an appointment.
    • 你可以阅读我们的全文 研究政策 在这里.
  • 阅览室政策

    We welcome all students, researchers and members of the general public to the 档案 & 特藏阅览室. 预约不是必需的,而是因为我们 materials are not open for browsing, we recommend requesting 你r materials in advance 你的研究访问.  

    研究ers are expected to complete the registration form annually before using the 集合. Information is kept confidential under 图书馆 policy. 在…上签字 the form indicates that the researcher understands and agrees to follow the Reading 房间的政策.

    • 请把你的手机调成静音.
    • Eating and drinking are NOT permitted in the Reading Room.
    • Personal belongings must be placed in the provided 储物柜s before using archival materials.
    • The use of pens, Post-it notes, metal paper clips, staples, tape and other adhesives is prohibited (pencils are available in the archive).
    • Personal computers, cameras, and recording devices may be used with permission.
    • Access to the collection storage areas is restricted to staff only.
    • Before leaving the Reading Room, all materials must be left in the designated area.
    • Materials will not be paged/pulled within the last thirty minutes of the business 一天.
    • Appointments outside normal business hours are subject to staff availability and other 承诺.
    • If a class is being held in the Reading Room, researchers may be asked to come back 在另一个方便的时间.


    The vast majority of our holdings are unique, rare or fragile. 我们要求研究人员 help preserve these items for future generations by following these procedures:

    • More than one box or volume of material may be requested for research, but only one 单位可一次使用. 每次只从盒子中删除一个文件夹. 工作人员 will provide “out” cards so that researchers can mark w在这里 folders have been removed.
    • Please keep the contents of the folder in the order in which they were found. 如果文件夹 or materials appear to be out of order, please alert a staff member.
    • 材料必须平放在桌子上. 请不要折叠、描、写、靠, or otherwise handle the documents in ways likely to damage them.
    • Gloves may be required to handle our materials, particularly negatives, photographs, 金属物品和指纹. 工作人员 will provide these gloves when necessary. Photographic materials should only be handled by the edges.


    • Digital cameras and cell phones (without the flash) may be used with permission in 拥有最多档案资料的阅览室.
    • 大多数材料都可以影印. 前25份常规复印件是 free, beyond that please see our website for our fees. 有些材料可能需要 copying by the 档案 及特别馆藏工作人员.
    • Personal copiers and scanners are not allowed except by permission of the 档案 及特别馆藏工作人员.
    • 档案 and 特殊的集合 reserves the right to deny permission to photograph or copy items due to preservation concerns, donor restrictions, and/or copyright restrictions.


    • Permission to capture images for research purposes does not constitute the right to 分发或发布这些图像. Such rights are secured only with the joint permission of the copyright holder(s) (if applicable) and the University as owner of the material. It is the patron's responsibility to determine the copyright status and to obtain any required permission from the copyright holder(s).
      • Uses for which 你 need to seek permission to publish:
        • 以任何形式公开展示,电子或硬拷贝.
        • 以任何形式发表,不论是否修改.
        • 用于电视、录像或电影.
      • Uses for which 你 do not need to seek permission to publish:
        • Non-profit educational purposes (class papers, research, classroom use).
        • For purposes such as criticism, comment, and news reporting.
      • 研究ers must cite materials they use in publications using the following preferred format: Description of Item, Collection Name (##), 档案 and 特殊的集合, 詹姆斯一. 麦切纳库, 北科罗拉多大学, Greeley, Colorado.


  • 当你到达时
    • Backpacks, coats, and other personal property will need to be stored in a provided 储物柜.
    • 不允许有食物或饮料.
    • Pencils only, no pens, for notetaking when researching (laptops allowed; pencils are 提供).
    • You will not be able to browse the shelves; requested materials will be brought to 你.
    • 档案材料必须小心处理. 您只能删除一个文件夹 at a time from a box, and 你 must maintain the original order of the folders in the 盒子和文件夹里的材料.
    • You may be asked to wear gloves when handling photographs or delicate items.