
Dr. Megan Babkes Stellino

Dr. Megan Babkes Stellino


运动学系, 营养, 和营养学
College of Natural and Health Sciences


Tuesdays and Thursdays – 12:30-2:30pm or by appointment
University of Northern Colorado
School of 体育与运动科学
格里利,CO 80639


B.A. (1993) University of Washington

M.S. (1996)俄勒冈大学

Ed.D. (1999) University of Northern Colorado

Professional/Academic Experience

1999-2001 – Post-Doctoral 研究 Fellow – Department of Psychology/国际 Center for Talent Development – University of California, Los Angeles

2001- present – 教授 – University of Northern Colorado


2005-2009 - Adjuct 教授 – University of Denver

2004 – Adjunct 教授 – Colorado State University

1993-1994 – Director of Child Care (WeeWACs) – Washington Athletic Club – Seattle, WA


Motivation and social psychological correlates (emotion, self-perceptions) of youth sport and physical activity involvement, parent/family influences on, and experiences in, youth sport and physical activity, psychosocial and environmental aspects of school-based 促进体育活动.


全垒打,M.K.;英国.R.彭定康,L.霍尔,K.C.伯顿,南卡罗来纳州.D .海多克.S., & Stellino, M.B. (2020). Gender identity and health-related outcomes in a national sample of college 学生. American Journal of 健康教育, 51(6), 383-394. http://doi.org/10.1080/19325037.2020.1822242

梅西,W. V., Stellino, M. B., & Geldhof J. (2020). An observational study of recess quality and physical activity 在城市小学. BMC公共卫生. 20:792. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08849-5

尼科尔斯,B. N.史密斯先生. A., &  Babkes Stellino, m.s. (2020). Factors influencing college selection by NCAA Division III men's basketball 球员. 业余体育杂志,6(1), 32-51. http://doi.org/10.17161/jas.v6i1.8297

梅西,W. V., Stellino, M. B.海登,L., & Thalken J. (2020). Examination of the responsiveness of the Great Recess Framework—Observational Tool. 国际 Journal of Environmental 研究 and Public Health, 17(1):225. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17010225

官,我. M.布鲁斯塔德,R. J., & Babkes Stellino, m.s. (2019) Social 订婚 and task complexity: Physical activity characteristics and executive function among older adults. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 4(4): 18.doi:10.21926 /理论.icm.1904064  

戴维斯,M. J., Babkes Stellino, m.s., & 灰色,维.P. (2019). Basic psychological needs satisfaction and self-determined motivation among Canadian golf league members. 休闲/ Loisir, 42(4), 1-28. http://doi.org/10.1080/14927713.2019.1581992

Babkes Stellino, M.瓦祖,S.昆,L. M.霍金,K. (2019). Social psychological and motivational theoretical frameworks for CSPAP implementation.在R. L. 卡森, & C. A. 韦伯斯特(Eds.), Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Evidence-Based 研究 and Practice(pp. 67-86). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Dauenhauer B., Babkes Stellino, m.s., & 韦伯斯特,C. A., & Steinfurth C. (2019). Before and after school physical activity 程序有效性.在R. L. 卡森, & C. A. 韦伯斯特(Eds.), Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Evidence-Based 研究 and Practice(pp. 111-126).  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

梅西,M.V., Ku, B. & Stellino, M.B. (2018). Observations of playground play during 小学休息. 《博天堂官方》,11(1), 755- http://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-018-3861-0

梅西,W.V., Stellino, M.B., & 弗雷泽,M. (2018). Individual and environmental correlates of school-based recess 订婚. Preventive Medicine Reports, 11, 247-253. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.07.005

梅西,W.V.,Stellino, M.B.马伦,S.P.克拉森,J. & 威尔金森,M. (2018). Development of the great recess framework – observational tool to measure contextual and behavioral components of 小学休息. 中华医学会公共卫生杂志,18:394. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5295-y

梅西,W.V., Stellino, M.B., Claassen J.戴克斯特拉,S., & 亨宁,. (2018). Evidence-based strategies for socially, emotionally, and physically beneficial school recess. Journal of Physical 教育, Recreation, and Dance, 89(5), 48-52.http://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2018.1440266

梅西,W.V., Stellino, M.B.威尔金森,M., & 惠特利,M.A. (2018). 的影响 of a recess-based leadership program on urban elementary school 学生. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 30, 45-63. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2017.1318417

Kroshus E Babkes Stellino M., 克里斯曼年代. P. D., & Rivara F.P. (2017). Threat, pressure and communication about concussion safety: Implications for parent concussion education. 健康教育 & 的行为, 45(2):254-261. doi.org/10.1177/1090198117715669

梅西,W.V., Stellino, M.B霍利迪,M.戈德伯森,T.罗迪亚,R.库彻,G., & Wilkison, M. (2017). 的影响 of a multi-component physical activity program in low-income elementary schools. 健康与教育杂志.  doi: 10.1177/0017896917700681.

辛克莱,C., & Babkes Stellino, m.s. (2017). Pictorial playground-based physical activity assessment instrument: Uses and applications of the ADL-PP. JOPERD 88(3), 16-21. http://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2016.1270785

Dauenhauer B.克劳斯,J.道格拉斯,美国.史密斯先生., & Babkes Stellino, m.s. (2017). A newly revised Master's degree in physical education and physical activity leadership at the University of Northern ColoradoJOPERD (特刊), 88(2), 14-19.

帕克,米.莫里森.帕顿,K., Stellino, M.B.Hinchion, C., & 大厅,K. (2016). ‘I Couldn’t Teach Without Technology’: A Teacher and Student Learning Journey. In Pedagogical Cases: Digital Technologies in Youth Physical Activity, Physical 教育 体育,A. 凯西,V.  古德伊尔和K. 甲(eds.),伦敦:劳特利奇.

戴维斯,M. J.科尔曼,L。., & Babkes Stellino, m.s. (2016). The relationship between basic psychological need satisfaction, behavioral regulation, and participation in CrossFit. Journal of Sport 的行为, 39(3)

戴维斯,M. J., Babkes Stellino, m.s.尼科尔斯,B., & 科尔曼,L. (2016). The relationship between other-initiated motivational climate and youth hockey 球员’ good and poor sport behaviors. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 28(1), 78-96. http://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2015.1071297

Babkes Stellino, m.s., & 辛克莱,C.D. (2014). Examination of recess physical activity patterns using the activities for daily living-playground participation (ADL-PP) instrument.  Journal of Teaching in Physical 教育, 33(2), 282-296.

欧文,H. E., Babkes Stellino, m.s.甜菜,M. W., & Beighle,. (2013).  Physical education lesson content and teacher style and elementary 学生’ motivation and physical activity levels.  Journal of Teaching in Physical 教育, 32, 321-334.

Babkes Stellino, m.s., & 辛克莱,C.D. (2013). Psychological predictors of children’s recess physical activity motivation and behavior. 研究 Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84(2), 167-176.

Babkes Stellino, m.s., & 辛克莱,C.D. (2013). From atheoretical to motivation theory-based youth discretionary-time 促进体育活动: Current and future directions. Revista de Iberomaericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 6(2), 283-298.

柯克兰,R.卡林,n.n., Stellino, M., & 岛岛,年代. (2011). Basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, and exercise 在老年人中. 活动,适应, & 衰老,35(3), 181-196.

Babkes Stellino, m.s.辛克莱,C.D.帕特里奇,J.A., & 麦克拉里·金,K. (2010).  Differences in children’s recess physical activity: Recess activity of the week (RAW) intervention. Journal of School Health, 80(9), 436-444.
