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Well-rounded Degree, Superior Career Training

Our 文学博士 in 音乐 with 音乐 History 和 Literature emphasis provides you with first-rate preparation for faculty positions—和 makes a strong impression on 招聘委员会. UNC gives you the opportunity to work with preeminent music historians 和 educators who offer strong guidance 和 mentorship. You’ll get exceptional professional training for a faculty 职业生涯, including h和s-on experience as a college teacher.

 UNC’s 音乐 History 和 Literature D.A. program st和s out for its high st和ards of scholarship 和 rigor. You’ll have wide latitude to focus your research on topics that meet your academic interests 和 advance your 职业生涯 goals. And you’ll belong to vibrant community of nearly 500 extraordinary young musicians, with the 能力 to perform compositions from almost any period of 音乐的历史, anywhere in the 世界.








D.A. in 音乐: 音乐 History 和 Literature Concentration

D.A. in 音乐: 音乐 History 和 Literature requires 67 to 71 credits. 密切合作 with a faculty advisor to select a course program 和 research focus, with wide latitude to specialize in areas that fit your interests. You’ll take coursework in college pedagogy 和 complete a supervised practicum in college teaching. The degree concludes with a doctoral dissertation based on original research.

Take the next step! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements.

Degree Requirements

D.A. 计划的细节

你的未来 in 音乐 History 和 Literature

UNC graduates enter the faculty job market with an extremely well-rounded set of professional 技能. You’ll excel as a researcher, writer, performer 和 college-level education, with strong teaching 技能 that few faculty c和idates possess. UNC’s School of 音乐 has a national reputation as training ground for music teachers 和 scholars, so you’ll approach employers with a highly regarded credential that can open doors for your 职业生涯.

Consider UNC's 音乐 History 和 Literature D.A. 如果你想:

  • Teach 音乐的历史 和 literature at a university or college
  • Produce first-rate research 和 writing
  • Integrate scholarship with live performance
  • Train with some of the nation’s preeminent music historians


  • College-level teaching
  • 研究
  • 音乐 history 和 literature from multiple cultural periods


  • 高校教学
  • Analytical Studies in 音乐
  • 音乐 in the Renaissance
  • Introduction to Doctoral 研究

Beyond the Classroom

UNC's 音乐 History 和 Literature D.A.  program offers a wide range of opportunities to share your research beyond the UNC campus. Our doctoral students have an excellent record of academic publishing, with articles in peer-reviewed journals such as 早期的音乐,Pendragon Review, Journal of 音乐ological 研究, Choral Journal,ITA杂志. You can also attend meetings 和 make presentations at conferences 和 meetings, including the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American 音乐ological Society.

Where can your degree take you?

  • College or university faculty in 音乐的历史 和 literature
  • Performing or conducting, with focus on historical composers 和 genres
  • 研究 和 writing

Ready for what's next? Here's what you need to know.

If there's anything else we can do, be sure to 与我们联系. We're only a shout away.

Still not completely sold? 我们理解. Here's more information on 成本和资金 和 如何申请.

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