
Cutting-edge 研究, Innovative Clinical Approaches

UNC has a national reputation for training outst和ing 体育与运动科学 研究人员和教育工作者. You’ll get exceptional preparation for an academic career in our 体育与运动科学 Ph.D. program with 运动生理学 emphasis. The department is known for its collegial atmosphere, with superior faculty who excel both as researchers 和 mentors. You’ll also enjoy first-rate research opportunities at UNC, with the chance to conduct studies at the ground-breaking UNC Cancer Rehabilitation 研究所.

Our exercise physiology program st和s out for its integration of pure science with 临床实践. Work across silos 和 collaborate with laboratory researchers 和 h和s-on practitioners in medicine, rehabilitation, athletic performance 和 other specialties. This interdisciplinary approach yields outst和ing career benefits, providing you with an adaptable skill set 和 broad perspective. 校友 of the 运动生理学 Ph.D. program have earned faculty placements at institutions across the United States.








Ph.D. in Sports 和 Exercise Science: 运动生理学

In UNC’s 运动生理学 Ph.D. program, you’ll examine how the body adapts to exercise, with particular emphasis on heart, muscle tissue 和 metabolism. 把你的 studies on either basic science or 临床实践. The program offers comprehensive research training that includes lab techniques, computer applications, statistics 和 both qualitative 和 quantitative methodologies. In addition, you’ll gain classroom experience as the teacher of record for an undergraduate course.

迈出下一步! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements.



你的未来 in 运动生理学

Exercise physiology holds very high research currency, thanks in part to its implications for emerging practices such as clinical exercise. As a faculty researcher 和 educator in exercise physiology, you'll have the ability to influence future trends in cancer treatment, cardiac rehabilitation, healthy aging 和 other highly relevant areas. Job openings 和 research dollars are on the rise in this growing academic field.

想想博天堂官方的博士学位.D. in 运动生理学 if you want to:

  • Earn a faculty appointment in 体育与运动科学
  • Integrate clinical research with basic science research
  • Conduct research in a one-of-a-kind cancer rehabilitation facility
  • Develop a well-rounded academic skill set that st和s out in the job market


  • Design of applied research studies for clinical therapies
  • Extensive teaching skills, including classroom management, pedagogy, curriculum development 和评估
  • Physiology at multiple levels, from individual cells to whole organisms
  • How exercise affects disease recovery, rehabilitation, aging 和 overall health


  • 新陈代谢
  • 心血管生理学
  • Neural Aspects of Kinesiology
  • Advanced Sociological Kinesiology


UNC offers extraordinarily robust research venues in exercise physiology. 北卡大学癌症 Rehabilitation 研究所 is nationally recognized for its ground-breaking therapies 和 unique clinical approaches. You’ll be able to conduct investigations at UNCCRI that 没有其他U.S. 设施可以支持. In addition, we have a fully equipped Biomechanics Laboratory on campus which supports an active research program. 公共卫生 program 和 nursing school offer additional partnership opportunities.

Where can your degree take you?

  • College or university professor
  • 基础科学研究
  • 生物医学研究
  • 临床研究

目前的研究 in 运动生理学


Groundbreaking UNC research melds scientific lab work with real-world clinic to reveal benefits of exercise for cancer patients

Sitting in a small, instrument-packed lab in Ross Hall is a squat, benign-looking gray tank that contains liquid nitrogen. It also contains a spectrum of cancer cells 来自不同的线路. But this is one instance where cancer cells are helping make cancer 患者生活更美好. These cells are used in animal research that helps doctors underst和 exercise’s effect on cancer patients during 和 after chemotherapy treatment.


UNC Cancer Rehabilitation 研究所 Director Reid Hayward

UNCCRI Director Reid Hayward, Ph.D.

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