

As news continues to spread 博天堂官方网站 the outbreak of MPOX virus across the U.S.我们知道 that some people in our community will have concerns. 本页旨在提供 an overview of what the MPOX virus is, what to watch for, how to protect yourself 以及何时寻求帮助. 

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is tracking the 全州MPOX发病率, 我们知道曾经有过 威尔德县的m痘病例

It’s important to note that MPV can be acquired by all people. 

Colorado’s MPOX Mobile Vaccination Clinics 

  • Offering first and second doses of MPOX疫苗 to 合格的人.
  • 任命 can be made by following the link associated with each clinic date below. Walk-ups are also welcome as vaccine supply allows.

The MPOX mobile clinic is located on the east side of parking lot C, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,日期如下:

  • 星期四,12月. 1

Other MPOX mobile vaccination clinics throughout the state are listed on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s website.

  • 博天堂官方网站MPOX

    While most cases of MPOX, particularly in the current outbreak, are not severe, MPOX 没有什么可以忽视的. It causes painful, pus-filled blisters and lesions on the skin, along with fever and swollen lymph nodes in the early stages of infection and can 对生病的人要认真.  

    Illness can last from a few days to a month. 这意味着一个人可能是 建议隔离 for weeks to avoid spreading it, which could disrupt work and school. 


  • 体征和症状
    • Most people with MPOX will get a rash that will go through several stages, starting with pus-filled blisters and lesions and then scabs before healing.  
    • Other symptoms could include flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle aches and backache, headache or respiratory symptoms. 一些 people may experience all or only a few symptoms. 
    • MPOX symptoms start within three weeks of exposure to the virus.  
    • The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks and it can spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has healed, all scabs have fallen off and a fresh layer of skin has 形成.  

    Read more 博天堂官方网站 体征和症状 从疾病预防控制中心 (this page includes photos of the MPOX rash for reference)  

  • 如何传播

    MPOX spreads through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact, including: 

    • Direct contact with MPOX rash, scabs or body fluids from a person with MPOX
    • Contact with respiratory secretions (mucus and saliva expelled when a person coughs or sneezes) during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, 比如接吻、拥抱或做爱 
    • Touching objects, fabrics (clothing, bedding or towels) and surfaces that someone 用过MPOX 

    MPOX is not considered an airborne disease. Brief interactions with an infected person without physical contact (such as might occur in a classroom situation) are unlikely 导致病毒传播.   


  • 预防
    • Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like MPOX. 
    • Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person 用过MPOX. 这包括 eating utensils, cups, bedding, towels and clothing. 
    • If you share a living space with someone and you or a roommate has MPOX, read more 博天堂官方网站 防止向他人传播. 
    • 经常洗手. 


    • MPOX is not a sexually transmitted infection, but it is often transmitted through close, sustained, physical contact, which can include sexual contact.  疾控中心提供 guidance for sexually active individuals to lower their risk of getting or transmitting MPOX. 


    • 在美国.S., there are two vaccines that may be used to prevent MPOX, Jynneos and ACAM2000. 后 CDC guidance regarding who should get vaccinated, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Weld County Health Department are distributing the vaccine  to priority groups as it becomes available.
    • Until more vaccine is available, and because it's not known how effective these vaccines will be in the current outbreak, the CDC recommends that individuals should continue to protect themselves from infection by avoiding close, skin-to-skin contact, including intimate contact, with someone who has MPOX.

    阅读更多博天堂官方网站MPOX的信息 预防措施 从疾病预防控制中心 

  • 治疗

    There are no treatments specifically for MPOX virus infections, but there may be some antiviral options recommended for people who are more likely to get severely ill, like individuals with weakened immune systems. 目前,大多数医疗反应 virus is managing pain and treating symptoms. 

    阅读更多博天堂官方网站MPOX的信息 治疗 从疾病预防控制中心 

  • 何时寻求帮助

    如果你是 有症状的: 

    • If you have symptoms of MPOX and would like to be tested, UNC’s 学生健康中心 可以帮助. MPOX can look like syphilis, herpes, blisters, or even acne, so be sure to get checked out if you develop a new rash or bumps. 来之前请打个电话 向SHC查询,电话:(970)351-2412. 您也可以联系您的医疗服务提供者. 

    如果你认为你已经 暴露: 

    • 如果你认为你已经 暴露 to MPOX and do not yet have symptoms, contact the Weld County Health Department at (970) 304-6420. 
  • 如果你感染了MPOX

    If you test positive for MPOX, you will be contacted by public health officials and provided instructions for how to take care of yourself and help prevent transmission 给别人. This may include isolating yourself at home until your symptoms are gone 你的疹子好了. The local public health department will determine what’s 适合你的情况. 

    阅读更多博天堂官方网站你该怎么做的信息 患MPOX 从疾病预防控制中心