

To be considered for UNC scholarships, the following requirements must be met:


  • 学生 must be admitted to UNC in order to be considered for scholarships.  学生 你是否应该在2月1日之前申请UNC的入学申请,以确保得到充分的处理 time before the scholarship application deadline of March 1st.
  • 学生 must complete the Universal Scholarship Application through the Financial 3月1日之前.
  • Register with 残疾人士资源中心.

对于北科罗拉多大学以外的残疾人奖学金, 请参考以下信息.


  • 注意力缺陷多动症

    NBCUniversal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship -美国残疾人协会为学生提供奖学金 pursuing interests in the entertainment, media, or communications industries. 

    研究.com奖学金 for 学生 with 注意力缺陷多动症 - 学生 with 注意力缺陷多动症 pursuing an undergraduate college degree can apply for this 500美元学术奖励.

  • 自闭症谱系障碍

    研究.com奖学金 for 学生 on the Autism Spectrum -有自闭症谱系的学生可以申请本科学位 为了这个500美元的学术奖励.

  • 盲目的 & 低视力

    美国盲人协会 - Scholarships are awarded to students who are legally blind. 他们必须注册 at a post-secondary institution or a vocational/technical school.  

    American Foundation for the 盲目的 - AFB

    ■     Rudolph Dillman Memorial Scholarship -向在读本科生或研究生提供四份奖学金,每人2,500美元 全职从事盲人和/或盲人康复或教育领域的工作 视力受损的.
    ■       The Paul and Ellen Ruckes Scholarship - Two scholarships of $2,000 each to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in the field of engineering or in computer, physical, or life sciences.
    ■       R.L. 吉列,格拉迪斯C. 安德森和卡伦. 卡塞尔纪念奖学金 -向一名主修音乐的女本科生提供3500美元的奖学金.
    ■       The Delta Gamma Foundation Florence Margaret Harvey Memorial Scholarship - One scholarship of $1,000 to an undergraduate or graduate student in the field of rehabilitation or education of persons who are blind or 视力受损的.

    Dr. Samuel Genensky Memorial Magnification Award Program - Lighthouse Guild supports higher education for all individuals and acknowledges 学业合格的高中生和大学生的成就 寻求进一步的教育. We offer scholarships for students with vision 帮助他们成功过渡到大学和研究生教育的损失.

    灯塔协会奖学金 -每年,灯塔协会奖学金计划都会帮助优秀的学生 全国各地的盲人高中生都有奖学金上大学 最高可达一万美元. Scholarships are based on strong academic accomplishments and merit, 并提供额外的经济支持,帮助学生顺利过渡 from high school to a college or university of their choice. 

    National Federation of the 盲目的 - NFB - The National Federation of the 盲目的's annual scholarship program is the largest 全国同类中绝无仅有的. Every year, we award more than $120,000 to blind scholars across the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in recognition of their achievements and professional aspirations. 感谢我们慷慨的合作伙伴 there are thirty merit-based scholarships currently available, ranging from $3,000 to $12,000. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, community 服务和领导. 

    National Federation of the 盲目的 of Colorado - NFBCO -全国盲人联合会向大专学生提供奖学金 不分年龄. There are scholarships available from the national organization (the 全国盲人联合会)以及国家附属机构(全国盲人联合会) 科罗拉多州盲人联合会). 学生 are encouraged to apply to both organizations.

    National Federation for the 盲目的 Scholarship Program -表彰盲人学者的成就,全国盲人联合会 每年都为美国和波多黎各的盲人大学生提供机会 获得30个以优异成绩为基础的国家级奖学金之一,奖学金金额从3000美元到1000美元不等 $12,000. All scholarships awarded are based on academic excellence, community service, 和领导能力.

    Scheigert奖学金 -国际低视力公民委员会提供奖学金项目 提供给患有低视力的全日制大学生 meet the visual acuity and academic guidelines.

  • 慢性疾病

    病人权益基金会 -我们的奖学金计划的目的是为符合以下条件的个人提供支持 美国合法居民是在读本科还是研究生 研究已被诊断患有或治疗过的癌症,或慢性和/或生命 threatening debilitating disease as a child or young adult. 申请人将获 $3,000 annually up to four consecutive years, as long as they meet the guidelines 程序的. 

  • 失聪的或重听的

    AG贝尔学院奖学金计划 -全日制聋哑或听力障碍学生,使用听力和口语 语言

    Cochlear Graeme Clark奖学金 - Cochlear Graeme Clark奖学金是一项对Nucleus Cochlear开放的独特奖项 世界各地的植入物接受者. Awarded by Cochlear, this scholarship has been set up to help individuals further themselves by undertaking university studies.

    乔治H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy -适用于有中度至重度听力损失的全日制研究生 谁就读于认可的法学院或公共硕士或博士课程 政策或公共管理.

    Sertoma奖学金 - Sertoma的重听或聋人奖学金,是 自2009年该项目成立以来,为重听或聋哑学生提供奖学金 1994. 学生 with clinically significant bilateral hearing loss, graduating from 高中或本科学生在任何学科攻读四年制大学学位 有资格获得奖学金吗. 

  • 学习障碍

    Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Award -马里昂·休伯倾听学习奖是一个专为高三学生设立的奖项 with learning disabilities who are Learning Ally members.

    P. 巴克利莫斯基金会 ——P字. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship is an up to $1,000.财政奖获颁 每年发给一名有经济需要,语言能力的高中毕业生 学习差异,视觉艺术天赋,录取到认可的四年制大学 或读大学或两年制社区学院,并有追求事业的意图 在视觉艺术领域

    瑞思奖学金基金 - RiSE奖学金基金会为学习的学生提供多项奖学金 不同的. 

    研究.com奖学金 for 学生 with Dyslexia -在读本科的有阅读障碍的学生可以申请 500美元学术奖励.

  • 身体残疾的

    普雷贾克斯基金会奖学金 -以1000美元奖学金的形式向特殊学生提供大学学费援助 父母患有多发性硬化症或自己被诊断患有多发性硬化症的学生.

    180医学奖学金计划 -该奖学金颁发给两年制、四年制或研究生 全日制学校课程. Applicants must be under a physician’s care for a spinal 脊髓损伤,脊柱裂,横贯脊髓炎,神经性膀胱,或造口术(回肠造口术), 结肠造口术,或尿道造口术). Seven $1,000 college scholarships will be awarded.

    1800年轮椅.com奖学金 - The 1800年轮椅 scholarship fund now bestows one or two $500 awards each year 给那些创作了一首视觉诗代表个人挑战的学生 克服. 

  • 心理障碍

    贝尔重返社会奖学金 -重返社会中心为精神分裂症学生提供奖学金, Schizoaffective Disorder, or Bipolar Disorder. 

  • 一般奖学金

    American Association on Health and Disability - AAHD ——美国儿科学会会长弗雷德里克. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability is awarded annually to  deserving  students with a disability who are pursuing undergraduate/graduate 在认可的大学学习(必须至少在大学二年级注册) who is pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not 仅限于公共卫生、健康促进、残疾研究、残疾研究 康复工程、听力学、残疾政策、特殊教育及专业 that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.

    American Association of People with Disabilities - AAPD - nbc环球Tony Coelho媒体奖学金将提供八(8)个奖学金 为残疾本科生和研究生,他们对追求 a career in the communications, media, or entertainment industry. 每个收件人都将 获得5625美元,用于支付当前学院或大学的教育费用.

    残疾奖学金博客 - a list of scholarships for both general and specific disabilities.

    微软残疾奖学金 -该奖学金将颁发给有前途的残疾高中毕业生 who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and have a financial need and target a career in the technology industry.The amount of this renewable scholarship to be awarded is $5,000 per year, up to $20,000 total.

    租一个助膝器 - scholarship available for all students, with priority given to students with a 身体残疾.

    特殊医疗条件 -本网站列出的奖学金是为有特殊医学问题的学生提供的 条件.

    研究.com奖学金 for 学生 with Dyslexia - 学生 with any disability pursuing an undergraduate college degree can apply 为了这个500美元的学术奖励.

    备考洞察奖学金 -专门为残疾学生提供的奖学金,目标是提高水平 为残疾学生提供经济竞争环境,使他们能够专注于学业上的成功

    大学总部 - A list of current scholarship opportunities for students with disabilities.

    zipper流动性奖学金 - Zip 'r Mobility为一名即将入学或入学的大学生提供500美元的奖学金. There are no requirements in terms of 身体残疾 or ability.

    1800年轮椅.com奖学金 - The 1800年轮椅 scholarship fund now bestows one or two $500 awards each year 给那些创作了一首视觉诗代表个人挑战的学生 克服. 

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