


秋天 入学
For priority consideration, completed 应用程序 必须 be received by the 研究生 学校:一月. 15. Acceptance and support information will be sent to successful applicants 到3月1日. 1月以后收到的申请. 15将在这些和a之后进行审查 decision typically made after the priority considerations have been completed. 通常情况下, these decisions will be made within four weeks of submission of the completed application.

春天 入学
入学 for the 春天 semester is uncommon, but is possible. 考虑 春季学期的入学申请 必须 11月前完工. 10. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis typically within four weeks of the receipt of the completed application.  任何申请 spring admission that are completed after that date will be handled as 秋天 admission 应用程序.

夏天 入学
入学 to start a 研究生uate program in Chemistry or Chemical Education in the 夏天 不考虑学期. All 应用程序 requesting summer admission will be deferred 到 秋天 or 春天 semester as appropriate based upon the date the completed application 收到.


Applicants 必须 apply 到 研究生院 at the 北科罗拉多大学 before the program area reviews the applicant’s request for admission. 失败 submit all required materials will delay the evaluation and screening of your application.


  • Possess a baccalaureate 学位 or a master’s 学位 from a 区域 accredited college or university or a comparable 学位 from a foreign institution.
  • 有一个 累积 GPA 3.00或更高(4).最近获得的学位或目前获得的学位 进展程度.

    • If you are still completing your bachelor's or master's* 学位 at the time you apply, admission will be based on your current 累积 GPA and you will need to re-submit your official transcript (showing your conferred 学位 and final GPA) during your 第一学期. 如果你的最终平均成绩低于3分.00, 你会得到额外的报酬 要求s as defined by the academic program that 必须 be met within one calendar year to 继续在北卡大学注册. 

      *的 累积 GPA of your master's 学位 will be used if 18 or more credit hours 至此学位已完成.



完成 在线申请.

  • 回答申请问题.
  • 发送你的推荐信请求.
    • Request three (3) academic or professional letters of recommendation from those who 能证明你的学术潜力和能力吗. 你将被要求提供信息 给你在申请中的推荐人.
  • Submit the application and pay the non-refundable application fee. 
    • 国内学生:申请费50美元,不予退还
    • 国际学生:50美元申请费,不予退还

一旦你提交你的申请,你将被分配 an 博天堂官方 门户网站, allowing you to upload supplemental items, as listed below, and track your application 通过录取过程.


Request one official transcript from any 区域 accredited college or university where a bachelor’s 学位 or higher was earned or is in progress (if you have earned multiple 学位s, bachelor’s level or higher, an official transcript is required from 每个授予学位的学院或大学). 如果你获得了学位 from UNC, you do not need to request a transcript from UNC. 博天堂官方办公室 reserves the right to request that applicants provide official transcripts from other 必要的学院或大学. 已经获得或正在直接追求的申请人 A的更高学位 区域 accredited institution without receiving a bachelor’s 学位 (e.g.PharmD) 五月 be eligible to apply 到 研究生院 without the conferral of a bachelor’s 学位. 

异常: If an applicant intends to use Veteran’s Education Benefits, an official transcript 来自所有学院或大学 参加了 will be required in order to maintain compliance with Veteran’s Affairs policies.

美国大学官方成绩单.S. 院校应直接邮寄 the educational institution in an unopened, sealed envelope or through an electronically 来自发行机构的安全数字程序.


格里利,CO 80639

U电子成绩单.S. 应由院校直接送教育 机构: 研究生.admissions@hzjly.net.

博天堂官方办公室 does not accept email, scanned or PDF transcripts directly 从申请人. All official transcripts, submitted as part of the application process, are retained by UNC and not returned to applicants or admitted students.

UNC retains submitted transcripts, from institutions other than UNC, for admitted students for up to five years after 研究生uation or date of last attendance at UNC. Transcripts provided by applicants who were not admitted, denied admissions or did not complete their application are destroyed after one (1) year. 的 办公室 博天堂官方 will make every attempt to use previously submitted transcripts if they are within 这些时间. 然而,如果 办公室 博天堂官方 cannot locate previously submitted transcripts, the transcripts fall outside the timeframes listed above or they are considered illegible, applicants 必须 provide new transcripts.

具有美国以外学历的申请人.S. 将需要遵循的 提交外国成绩单的要求. Click on the Transcripts tab for information about international transcripts.




重新登录 博天堂官方门户网站提交以下内容:


提交化学求职信点击 "化学求职信" 链接到 门户网站. 该表格将要求您回答以下问题:

  • 你对哪些研究领域感兴趣?
  • 获得研究生学位后的目标
  • 博天堂官方将如何帮助你实现你的目标
  • Whether or not you wish to be considered for a teaching assistantship


硕士在读博士.D.: 被博士录取的学生.D. 化学教育课程可以完成 a master's 学位 in Chemistry en route to completion of the doctoral 学位. 请求 for a simultaneous master's 学位 in a discipline other than Chemistry will not be 接受. 学生 in collaboration with an advisors will develop a plan of study that includes clearly distinct masters and doctoral 要求s.

Applicants 必须 have 研究生uated from a master's program one semester prior to conferring Ph.D.

Once you apply 到 UNC 研究生院 and your application packet is complete, your application will be reviewed by the 研究生院 and then sent 到 faculty/program 作为入学推荐. 录取决定的时间取决于每个人 个别项目的截止日期和审查过程.


国际申请者(非美国.S. 公民/班.S. 永久居民)请参考 到 国际入学要求 page for further information about submitting transcripts, English proficiency scores, 护照复印件和财务证明文件.

For more information about the admission process, please email the 博天堂官方办公室 at 研究生.admissions@hzjly.net 或致电970-351-2881.