

We’ve known for a while that teaching and the classroom experience impacts retention. When administrators at 947 colleges and universities were asked “What makes students stay?” the top two responses were “caring faculty and staff” and “high-quality teaching” (Beal & 诺埃尔,1980年). The classroom should be the starting point for retention initiatives because this is the primary place for students to engage with peers and faculty. This is particularly applicable for non‐residential students and students working part‐time 或者完整的时间while earning their degree, who may not engage in other campus activities, events, 或组织(汉诺威,2014).

What we do in the classroom from assessment to the syllabus impacts the student experience, 因此影响了学生的留存率. 这里我们概述一些简单和更深入的方法 things you can do in the classroom to positively impact retention.



It’s helpful to hear from students about their experiences in UNC classrooms. You can get started by watching recorded student panels of UNC students:


If you want to really know how students are experiencing your classes and how you can make changes in the moment to improve student engagement and motivation, consider 每月与学生进行报到. These can be very quick check-ins done on paper or as an ungraded Canvas quiz that ask simple questions, such as:

  • 你在课堂上什么时候最专注? 请提供具体的活动/任务 examples.
  • Do you feel comfortable approaching me with questions/concerns about the course? If 不,我该如何改进?
  • List 1-2 goals that you have for this course and discuss what you are doing to meet 这些目标. 我能做些什么来更好地支持你的目标?

If you want to start small, implement a mid-semester feedback about 6-7 weeks into 这学期. This feedback will provide you with practical and actionable insights about what is working in a course as well as recommendations for improving learning 和教学. You can adapt these mid-semester check-in forms for use in your courses. These can be used in both online or face-to-face courses; for any course delivery model you can use Qualtrics or a Canvas quiz to administer the check-in.

You can find more information on student feedback through the 教学评估工具包.



A good syllabus revision isn’t quick, but it’s an easy place to start to begin thinking about how you interact with students and build an inclusive community. 首先, 观看2021年的网络研讨会 Supporting Students with an Equity Minded Syllabus. There’s also more information and templates in the 教学大纲工具包.


It's always a good idea to review your curriculum and considering who is represented through your course materials, readings, and images. 是很重要的 that students can bring their own experiences into the classroom - consider how you 提供这样的机会. Also consider how students interact and engage with you 彼此之间.  从观看2021年的网络研讨会开始 Deconstructing Dominant Cultures in the Classroom.

Consider adopting Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which focuses on building equitable 包容的教室. 这里有一些网络研讨会可以让你开始:

If you want some one-on-one support with UDL contact Kelly Langley-Cook, the CETL T包容性课堂教学教练.

Department chairs should check out the webinar Department-Level Strategies for Improving 学生保留 http://digscholarship.hzjly.net/tla/53

Support & 专业发展

Research indicates that coordinated, systemic professional development efforts at the post secondary level are related to improved student outcomes, including higher retention and graduation rates, as well as greater faculty satisfaction, engagement, 以及归属感  (Alfano, 1993; Fulton, Noonan, & Dorris, 2004; Gansemer-Topf, Saunders, Schuh, & Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf & Schuh, 2004; Killion, 2000; Murray, 2002; Outcalt, 2002; Sherer, Shea, & Kristensen, 2003).

There are lots of ways to engage in professional development. 你可以参观CETL 网络研讨会图书馆观看录音. 你也可以参加现场网络研讨会. ay22 -23 网络研讨会系列是博天堂官方网站公平的评分. 你也可以加入一个学习社区 在AY 22-23. You can join a one-semester learning community focused on how students learn or a year-long learning community on Teaching for Inclusion & Equity. You can also get personalized support through a CETL consultation with staff 和教学 coaches.


Department chairs play a vital role in student retention. 考虑审核部门 policies around attendance and discussing pedagogy during faculty meetings. Review DFW rate data with faculty and brainstorm solutions. 你可以联系CETL 针对部门的专业发展. 另外,请查看网络研讨会 Department-Level 提高学生留存率的策略 由现任博天堂官方系主任提出.


Alfano, K. (1993). 教师发展的最新策略. 社区学院评论, 21(1), 68–77.

Beal, P. E., & Noel, L. (1980). 怎样才能留住学生? 爱荷华州爱荷华市 American College Testing Program and the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems.

Fulton, R. W.努南,P. E., & Dorris, J. M. (2004). 以网络为媒介的教师 development: Improving learning, building community, and assessing outcomes. Retrieved 从http://www.league.org/occasional-papers/web-mediated-faculty-professional -development-improving-learning-building

Gansemer-Topf,., & Schuh, J. (2004). 教学和学术支持支出: 对留存率和毕业率的投资. 《博天堂官方网站》,5, 135– 145.

汉诺威的研究. (2014). 提高学生留存率的策略. 从检索 http://www.hanoverresearch.com/media/Strategies-for-Improving-Student-Retention.pdf

Killion J. (2000). 在线员工发展:希望还是危险? NASSP通报,84(618); 38–46.

Murray, J. P. (2002). The current state of faculty development in two-year colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges, 118, 89–97.

Outcalt C. L. (2002). Toward a professional community college professoriate. New 社区学院指南,118,109-115.

Sherer, P., Shea, P., & Kristensen E. (2003). 在线实践社区:催化剂 为了教师发展. 创新高等教育,27,183-194.