

Student learning assessment is essential to knowing if students are learning course content. 评估 data is used to track learning and make curricular changes based 博天堂官方网站学生的进步. 除了基于课程作业的数据外,评估也很重要 本学期各阶段的教学实践. 有效教学评价 includes multiple sources of data such as self-reflection, peer 反馈, and student 反馈. Multiple sources of data about teaching ensures that instructors can make 对教学方法和课程设计做出明智的决定.


Reflective practice for teachers is a self-assessment of teaching, where an instructor examines their pedagogy, articulates reasons and strengths for their strategies, and 确定需要修改或改进的地方. 当使用反思时,教师会思考 critically about their teaching and problem-solve for solutions to recurring issues, 而不是依赖于不变的,既定的个人规范. 有很多方法 开始反思练习. 首先考虑两个简单的工具:


记日记,回顾整个学期的每堂课. 拨出 每节课后5-10分钟思考以下问题: 

  • 今天怎么样了??
  • 我还能做些什么呢?
  • 我将来如何修改我的教学?

Video record (or record via Zoom/Teams) a class session and watch yourself teach. 你 可以从两个方面反思你的教学:

  • 詹姆逊,M. (2020). 确定的需求 & 做出改变:成为的反思和反身性实践 更好的老师, Keynote Address for the 2020 教学 and 评估研讨会, University of Northern 科罗拉多州
    • Jameson discusses engaging in reflection practice and taking action to improve teaching 和学习
  • McCartin L. & Dineen R. (2018). 教学评估. In Toward a critical-inclusive assessment practice for library instruction. 图书馆 榨汁机(第三章).
    • McCartin and Dineen discuss journaling and video observation with 例子 from their 练习并提供成功实现这些技术的技巧.


 教师同行可以提供有关教学实践的宝贵见解. 通过观察 of 课程 and review of course material, conversations with peers in and outside 可能会有帮助. 下面的资源将帮助你建立一个同行观察 任何交付方法的流程. 

  • 同侪观察过程
    • This document provides an overview of the process, which includes a pre-meeting, an 观察和会后讨论. 
  • 同侪观察表格
    • 此表单可用于设置对等观察. 表单可以修改为 满足特定教师的需求.
  • 网上同侪观察表格
    • This form can be used to observe an online course in Canvas with a focus on navigation, 结构和content. 表格可以修改,以满足特定教师的需要. If an online course includes live synchronous components such as Zoom sessions, it 建议观察员也使用同伴观察表.


Student 反馈 gathered throughout the semester helps instructors make changes throughout 提高学习的课程. 学生的反馈应该集中在收集信息上 你可以采取行动. 远离李克特量表的满意度问题 as these answers do not provide enough information for you to make changes to your 课程.


If you want to really know how students are experiencing your classes and how you can make changes in the moment to improve student engagement and motivation, consider 每月与学生进行报到. 这些可以在纸上快速签入 或者作为一个不评分的帆布测验,问一些简单的问题,比如:

  • 你在课堂上什么时候最专注? 请提供具体的活动/任务 例子.
  • Do you feel comfortable approaching me with questions/concerns about 这门课? If 不,我该如何改进?
  • List 1-2 goals that you have for 这 course and discuss what you are doing to meet 这些目标. 我能做些什么来更好地支持你的目标?


期中反馈是在学期开始6-7周后收集的. 这个反馈提供了 instructors with practical and actionable insights about what is working in a course 以及改善学与教的建议. 你可以调整这些 学期中期登记表格,供您在课程中使用. 这些都可以在网上使用 or face-to-face 课程; for any course delivery model you can use Qualtrics or a 画布测验来管理登记.


End-of-course 反馈 is collected prior to the final exam and provides instructors 包括学生在整个课程中的经历. 这个反馈是 用来为下学期的课程和教学做调整. 可能老师 有一套在全部门使用的李克特量表吗. 然而,这很重要 for each instructor to pose questions that will provide useful information to improve 这门课. 

  • 关注相关和可操作的概念. 让学生反思他们的经历 与你的课程的具体方面. 当然,他们将被要求回答数百个问题 evaluation questions, so you want to make your questions relevant to them. 
  • 专注于一个话题. 与其问“作业和活动是否有用”, which asks students to reflect on two things, instead ask about just assignments or 活动. 询问具体的任务和活动也很有用 获得详细的反馈. 如果你觉得有学生没有的作业 do as well on as you expected, 这门课 evaluation is a great time to ask about 这.
  • Go beyond general questions such as "I learned a great deal in 这 course" and focus 博天堂官方网站课程细节,如作业和课程. 这可以提供更多的见解 改进课程设计和教学.
  • Ask students to reflect on their learning related to 这门课 learning outcomes. Students can provide meaningful information for instructors by discussing if they felt 这门课 adequately prepared them to achieve the outcomes, which assignments or 活动 were most relevant for each outcome, and their perceived level of achievement 在课程结束时.
  • 你觉得课堂时间用得怎么样?  有什么可以改进的 这?
  • 课本阅读对你学习课程content有帮助吗? 通过这个过程你学到了更多吗 完成阅读摘要?
  • 对任务的指示是否明确? 如果没有,教授有没有花时间解释 预期是什么.

It is important that we approach course design and delivery with equitable and inclusive 课堂实践. 这包括我们如何对学生说话,比如使用correct proper pronouns, to how we select course materials that include diverse scholars and 视角. 你可以在李克特量表中问博天堂官方网站公平和包容的问题 开放式问题.

  • Do you feel that 这门课 materials exposed you to various views of experts with 不同的身份,如有色人种专家、女性或跨性别学者? 请提供 具体的例子.
  • Did you feel that you were treated differently, either better or worse, because of 个人身份? 请具体说明,并讨论这对你的学习有何影响.
  • Did you feel called-out or put on the spot during class because of 个人身份? 请 要具体,并讨论这对你的学习有何影响.
  • Did the instructor use teaching technologies or other course materials that were difficult for you to access and/or hindered your ability to perform course assignments or 活动? 请具体说明哪些技术阻碍了你的学习.


  • 为学生提供有关如何给予有用反馈的信息. CETL创造了 a 学生须知 你可以在你的课程中使用.
  • Discuss with students the importance of course 反馈 and how you use 反馈 to 改进课程.
  • Assure students evaluations are anonymous and will not impact their grade.
  • Remind students that you are looking for honest and direct 反馈 with specific 他们学习和经验的例子.
  • Describe the type of information you are looking for in course evaluations.


Sometimes traditional course evaluations do not provide in depth information for instructors about student learning and the classroom environment, making it difficult to make 适当的改变. 面对面的反馈为学生提供了参与的机会 in a discussion about course content, organization, resources, and teaching practice that provides instructors with information useful for making curricular and pedagogical 为未来学期加强学习而做出的改变.

  • Face-to-face 反馈 sessions are conducted by someone other than 这门课 instructor 以帮助确保诚实的反馈. 20-25分钟的反馈环节 在课程结束时,无论是面对面的还是在线的. 这堂课可以 be chosen by the  instructor but should be held within the 2 周s leading up to finals 周. 
  • During the evaluation discussion the facilitator will ask students questions specific 课程content、材料和教学. 指导员会提供这些问题 评估前一周. 引导者会提出适当的后续问题 更深入地探究答案. 
  • After the face-to-face 反馈 session the instructor is provided a report discussing 会议的问题和主要主题.